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Jiřina Šiklová Library — Gender Studies library and information center

The Gender Studies Library offers the latest expert publications in the field. Boasting nearly 10,000 volumes, the Gender Studies Library in Prague is currently the largest institution of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe. Library services are available to professionals and to the general public alike. Our specialized collections comprise books on equal opportunities in the job market, family and society, literature on feminism, gender studies, history of the women’s movement, women’s and men’s studies, violence against women, and publications in the general social sciences. The collections also include poetry and fiction, periodicals and grey literature (studies, reports, analyses, conference proceedings or annual reports) in Czech, English and German.

The Gender Studies Library Catalogue can be searched by several categories (all documents – default setting, books = KN, periodicals = PE, and grey literature = SL).

Users can search for:

  • specific documents (by the author’s last name or by title)
  • topics (through keywords) — a list of keywords is available under the link Téma (PH+kl.slova)

Library Services

  • loan services
  • reference services
  • bibliographic search
  • photocopying
  • interlibrary loan
  • internet access

For service fees, please see the

Loan Services

Library materials can be borrowed by registered members only: annual membership costs 100 CZK. A refundable deposit of 2,000 CZK is required with non-residents of the Czech Republic. The deposit is refunded upon returning all the borrowed items, all of which must be returned prior to the expiration of the membership.

The loan period is one month and can be renewed before the due date unless a hold has been placed on the item on loan. Loans can be renewed in person, by telephone: 224 913 350, or by email: knihovna@genderstudies.cz. Loans are free of charge. Late fees are 3 CZK per book per day.

History of the Library

The library was founded in 1992 in the apartment of the Czech sociologist Jiřina Šiklová who had created a private collection of feminist literature. It largely consisted of foreign donations such as one from a book drive Books for Prague held by the University of California, Santa Cruz or from the originally US-based Network of East-West Women. Later, lesbian organizations Promluv, Lambda and A‑klub entrusted their collections to Gender Studies. Ongoing acquisitions of historically unique publications were laying the foundation for a future archive and the library was gradually able to raise funds from foreign foundations to expand the collections. As of 2005, the library has been specializing in books under the topic of equal opportunities, with special focus on issues related to the job market. Its collections continue to grow thanks to the support of the EU and individual donations.

Recommend a Book

Suggestions for worth-reading titles that are missing in our collection? Writing a paper on gender and looking for literature that we happen not to have?
To recommend interesting books to us, please get in touch via library@genderstudies.cz.

Support Us

The Gender Studies Library is supported by grants, donations, and gifts, as well as by selling services to diverse target groups. However, these funds don’t fully cover the costs of the library’s operation.

How can you support the Library?

Volunteer help
Volunteer at the Gender Studies Library. You don’t need any specialized training or experience. We need help with organizing events, running the bookshop and other jobs. Get in touch via knihovna@genderstudies.cz.

In-kind donations
Donate books or other information materials dealing with our topics or specific materials to the Eliška Krásnohorská Archive. You can also donate computers, office supplies and other relevant items.


  • How to become a good mentor_Curricula of the mentorship / Klára Čmolíková Cozlová et al. Iasi: Asociatia Everest. 2018. 15 s
    download [337 kB, pdf]
  • Stereotype-Free: Choose Your Career Freely. Activities for Elementary School Projects / Jitka Kolářová (ed.), Praha: Gender Studies 2014
    download [5.8 MB, pdf]
  • Maternity Leave, or Parental Time? Seven Czech Mothers on Their Experience with Working and Raising Children in Different EU Countries / Jonášová, Kateřina, Frýdlová, Pavla, Svobodová, Lucie. Praha: Gender Studies, 2012
    download [pdf]
  • What works, what doesn’t: International perspectives on balancing work and care / Bosničová, Nina, Kolářová, Jitka (eds.). Gender Studies, Praha 2012.
    download [1 MB, pdf]
  • Age diversity and age discrimination in the Czech Republic: overview / / Cozlová, K. (2011). Praha: Gender Studies. Infopackage.
    download [357.2 kB, pdf]
  • Equal Pay in the Czech Republic / Praha: Gender Studies, 2010. Published in Eq-train project.
    download [328.3 kB, pdf]
  • Family Policy: Parental and Maternity Leave in the Context of Work-Life Balance and Equal Opportunities for Women and Men. / Linda Sokačová (ed.). Praha: Gender Studies, 2010. 60 p.
    download [1.7 MB, pdf]
  • Gender audit of the EU pre-accession funds 1999–2004 / 2005, pdf i tištěná verze.
    Bíziková, Lívia, Králíková, Alena, Sokačová, Linda, et al. Gender Audit of the EU Pre-Accession Funds 1999 — 2004. Lívia Bíziková … [et al]. 1st ed. Praha ; Bratislava : Gender Studies ; Aspekt, 2005. 35 s. ISBN 80–86520-05–6.
    download [1.2 MB, pdf]
  • Shortcomings in Rape Survivor Care – Quality of Services for Rape Survivors in the Czech Republic / Jitka Čechová, Hana Jandová. In: Ciprová, K. (Ed.) Below the Surface: Rape-related Facts and Myths. Gender Studies: 2010
    download [509.7 kB, pdf]
  • A Few Reflections on the Legal Provisions on Rape / Barbara Havelková In: Ciprová, K. (Ed.) Below the Surface: Rape-related Facts and Myths. Gender Studies: 2010
    download [511.4 kB, pdf]
  • Gender Issues 2008: Gender-Sensitive Education (Publication by Heinrich Böll Stiftung)
    download [4.8 MB, pdf]
  • Gender Issues 2007: Violence against Women, Gender Pay Gap, Access to Childcare Facilities, Implementing Gender Policies (Publication by Heinrich Böll Stiftung)
    download [776.8 kB, pdf]
  • Women on the Labour Market: Today and in the Future / Kateřina Machovcová, Gender Studies: 2007.
    download [pdf]
  • Mother and daughter : Charlotte and Alice Masaryk / H. Gordon Skilling. Prague : Gender Studies, 2001. 176 s. ISBN 80–86520-00–5
  • Gender audit of the EU pre-accession funds 1999–2004 / editorka Alena Králíková. Praha : Gender Studies, 2005. 35 s. ISBN 80–86520-05–6
    download [pdf]
  • Career — Family — Equal Opportunities / Linda Sokačová (ed.), Gender Studies: 2006
    download [pdf]
  • Aluminum Queen, The / Petra Procházková ; translation Gerald Turner. Praha : Lidové noviny ve spolupráci s Gender Studies, o.p.s., 2002. 187 s. ISBN 80–7106-633–8.
  • Altos and sopranos : a pocket handbook of women’s organizations / [compiled Hana Petrová … et al. ; translated from the Czech by S. Chess, L. Busheikin and Kate Shaw]. Prague : Gender Studies Centre, 1995 (Praha : Gemi). 108 s. ISBN 80–900059‑5–0